1. Preview & Digitalization
The broadcaster or producer provides NCI with a digital video file of the program, including time code that exactly matches the master. NCI inspects the video for completeness, error-free time code and workable audio to identify and correct problems before the captioning process begins.

2. Caption Preparation
Caption editors watch the program and transcribe verbatim dialogue, sound effects and other essential non-verbal features, while breaking text into individual captions with appropriate screen placement and timing to the associated audio.

3. Editor Review
Caption editors check completed files for accuracy, spelling and appropriate timing with proper pacing for maximum readability. They also thoroughly research all names, places and terms to ensure the presentation of correct captions to viewers.

4. Archiving
Caption editors archive completed files into NCI’s database spanning decades of media, from which transcripts and future reformats can be created quickly.

5. Ready for Encoding
Caption editors transmit completed caption files to the client or designated encoding facility via email or online upload, where they are integrated with the video portion of the program. NCI provides encoding for some types of media to produce an encoded submaster.